Alguna vegada t'has preguntat com seria fer senders interessants i fer aventures en bicicleta, però has sentit que eres massa lent per als teus amics? Vine, el preu del cicle elèctric Tachyride. Pel que fa a la bicicleta amb el seu robust motor elèctric que et pot portar a qualsevol lloc en qualsevol moment per investigar. Pots rodar sense por i divertir-te, sabent que no et cansaràs massa aviat als senders amb això preu del cicle elèctric.
Sense cap mena de dubte, la bicicleta elèctrica fora de carretera Tachyride està feta per a persones que els agrada recórrer i explorar noves zones. Està desenvolupat per a diferents terrenys. El temps que passegeu per turons de roques dures o camins fangosos, platges de sorra. Aquesta bicicleta et portarà. Aleshores, aquesta és la millor bicicleta per a la teva dona i el teu fill. Pots navegar fins a 20 mph, la mateixa velocitat a la qual aniran la majoria dels teus amics que van amb bicicleta. És una de les millors coses d'aquesta bicicleta, l'autonomia increïble a 50 milles per bateria. Així, d'aquesta manera podeu anar a qualsevol lloc de la vostra bicicleta elèctrica sense tenir por que la bateria s'esgoti.
Aquesta bicicleta no es tracta només de diversió i rendiment, sinó que també integra una gran preocupació de ser ergonòmicament còmoda i segura. La construcció de la bateria de la bicicleta elèctrica Tachyride és prou resistent i duradora com per suportar viatges aspres i accidentats. La suspensió completa garanteix que sigui un viatge suau fins i tot en senders forts, i els frens sòlids us permeten aturar-vos amb seguretat en qualsevol punt que sigui essencial. El botiga de bicicletes elèctriques a prop meu El seient i la direcció manual també es poden ajustar per adaptar-se a la vostra alçada i a la vostra alçada. D'aquesta manera, saps que et sentiràs còmode mentre condueixis.
Dit això, per la capacitat de la bicicleta elèctrica tot terreny, també és bastant fàcil d'utilitzar. No es requereix experiència per muntar-lo. I mentre que els controls fàcils us permeten pedalar a través de la caixa de canvis de la bicicleta o deixar que l'electricitat us ajudi. Així pots determinar el nivell d'esforç que t'agradaria fer i és una bicicleta lleugera; cosa que fa que sigui fàcil de transportar o emmagatzemar a un altre lloc quan no es vagi. Si necessiteu posar-lo en un bastidor o emmagatzemar-lo al vostre garatge, una bona notícia: també bastant fàcil.
En resum, la bicicleta elèctrica tot terreny és ideal per a les persones que gaudeixen de l'aire lliure. Pots anar a qualsevol lloc i en qualsevol moment amb facilitat gràcies al seu motor potent, una bateria de llarga durada i un disseny còmode. Així doncs, per a tots els amants de la natura que no poden esperar per experimentar el desert d'una manera que mai no heu tingut. Compra a cicle elèctric fora de carretera Avui i segueix la teva aventura. T'ho passaràs genial, trobant noves proves i creant records inoblidables pel camí.
Tachyride Tachyride, the Off road electric bike one-arm design of the rear frame in line with human mechanics and the power-based core electrical power-adaptive control algorithm system and operation for thousands of riders, create a completely new experience to riders. Equipped with the self-developed IOT intelligent module, the vehicle electrical system's faults are tracked and handled in real-time, ensuring riding safety and charging safety. Modular design to make it easy to disassemble and repair. Remote OTA software updates to improve the performance of the product. Independently designed DC brushless rear wheel motor that is high-speed, high life, strong power, push back sensing and climb up steep slopes with power on call, paired with real-time adjustments to the algorithm, which can truly bring about the effects of "mechanical feedback" and long-distance riding and not getting tired". It is an electric assisted bike that makes use of the body's mechanics to help.
Tachyride was founded by a group of pioneers that have been working in the Off road electric bike of new energy vehicles for the past 15 years, as well as shared bicycles for 5 years. They have not only seen the growing popularity of eco-friendly travel and gained insights into the future trend of the bicycle experience. Tachyride is the sole brand that is dedicated to mBike BodyMechanics, blends modern technology and body mechanics to offer unmatched convenience and effectiveness for each rider. Tachyride is not just an innovation in transportation, but also a soulful ode to freedom, health, and a green lifestyle.Tachyride is committed to combining human mechanics with modern technology to design the groundbreaking mBike (Human-Mechanics bike) human-machine bike. mBike is more than just an automobile, but it is also an outcome of a perfect blend of technology and science as well as human mechanics. We have made it the top human body mechanics by the integration of both software and hardware.
It is the first rear wheel motor that is modular in design to be found anywhere in the world. The automotive manufacturing standards have been improved to ensure that vehicles are of superior quality, with a more attractive design.2 Smooth riding power through the Off road electric bike control algorithm logic, to provide thousands of different conditions (road conditions) accurate help, in different gears to give you the best experience in silky riding. The device also enhances efficiency of energy conversion to save power and extend the battery's life.3 Three power (battery electric control, battery motor, referred to as three power system) security management via AI intelligent management, to accomplish a variety of performance indicators of real-time monitoring, that can be relayed on the user's computer through small programs or meters to achieve vehicle riding and charging safety reminders in order to make sure you're not worrying about your car;4 Intelligent charger during the charge and discharge process, there are handshake protocol and intelligent battery management system, the charge and discharge process in the event of any anomalies, the battery will self-protect to protect against overcharging, over discharge or short circuit;5 The first military-grade rapid assembly Ebike for more convenience and faster maintenanceThe vehicle is maintained, long-life carbon fibre belt transmission that provides a quiet, clean and labor saving ride.The motor for the rear wheel that is employed by the vehicle is DC brushless high-speed motor. powerful, long-lasting life pushing back sense, climbing steep slopes, ability to respond on demand.
The Tachyride Human mechanical bike is high-end and we're willing to stand behind it. Warranty on the frame, integrated wheel hub with battery, motor, and electric control is 3 years. Price is insured. Off road electric bike to purchase costly or a refund of the of the difference. We also will conduct an offline test ride and provide after-sales support to ensure that customers have a pleasant pre-sales experience, during sales, as well as after-sales. To emphasize the individuality of the customer and their value proposition, we provide customized services for frame colors, cushions, hub colors tires and other components that need to wait for production logistics time.